15th International Rapeseed Congress | Berlin

RAGT Saaten Deutschland GmbH

RAGT on the road to success with high yielding and consistent performance rapeseed hybrids

RAGT Saaten Deutschland GmbH has been an established plant breeder in Germany for 28 years, providing nearly all types of crops important for agriculture. Since the start of sales of winter wheat in 2007, RAGT has become the number one wheat seed breeder in Germany, with a multiplication area of nearly 13,000 ha. By intensifying the breeding and sales activities of rapeseed, RAGT was able to establish itself as the second-largest breeder house represented at the national variety trials in the last three years and has also steadily expanded its market share in recent years. What farmers appreciate about the multi-year officially certified rapeseed hybrids such as TREZZOR and ATTLETICK is the combination of yield strength and stability, the superb agronomic package and the quantitative resistance against Phoma, resulting in high cultivation reliability even in years with weather extremes. Each new variety is tested by RAGT at trial sites across Germany to select the rapeseed hybrid most adapted to local conditions.


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