15th International Rapeseed Congress | Berlin

Field Trip South - BOOKED OUT




Bus Tour: Start in Berlin (at bcc)


Visit DSV-Breeding Station Leutewitz,
01665 Käbschütztal

Field trials, Nurseries, Greenhouse Programms of WOSR Hybrid Breeding



Lunch Break


Visit BASF experimental fields Groitzsch and Farm

Winteroilseed production in EU - key numbers, challenges, future perspectives;
Modern agriculture - structure, technics and innovation;
Commercial WOSR production



Check-in Dorint Hotel Meißen




Dinner with wine tasting event

Meissen at night – the sightseeing walk





Check-out Hotel Dorint, bus tour to Nossen and back to Berlin


Visit Plant Variety Office Germany at Nossen

The function of the Community Plant Variety Office in Germany
Plant Breeders’ Rights (PBR) and National Listing (NL) of varieties
DUS- and VCU-test in different cultures



Lunch Break at Landhotel Nossen


Bus tour back to Berlin


Arrival in Berlin (at bcc)

Fee (19 % VAT inclusive): EUR 210.00


The tour begins on 20th June 2019, heading south with stops in Quellendorf in Saxony-Anhalt as well as Käbschütztal and Nossen in Saxony.


Source: APH eG Hinsdorf GbR

Participants will have a chance to visit the Breeding station of the Deutsche Saatveredelung AG (DSV) in Käbschütztal, the BASF’s sustainability farm in Quellendorf and the Federal Plant Variety Office (Bundessortenamt) in Nossen. At its location in Leutewitz, DSV maintains an excellent location for innovative research and breeding of agricultural crops - including rapeseed, crop seeds and feed crops. The DSV breeding station is located in one of Germany's outstanding agricultural cultivation areas, where rapeseed, crop seeds and other useful plants are sustainably cultivated on the best ground. In Leutewitz, in addition to the seed processing halls, the participants can also visit the greenhouses and processing rooms for breeding material.

DSV-Breeding Station Leutewitz.jpg

Source: Deutsche Saatveredelung AG
BASF is committed to sustainable agriculture that combines high productivity and protection of natural resources. Against this backdrop, the BASF Farm Sustainability Network project was launched in 2013. It aims specifically to boost biodiversity in intensively utilized agricultural landscapes nationwide. The objective is to preserve as much productive agricultural land as possible.The Federal Plant Variety Office (Bundessortenamt) is responsible for granting Plant Breeders’ Rights (PBR) and National Listing of varieties and thus supports manifold activities to promote plant breeding and biological diversity. PBR protect plant breeders’ intellectual property and promotes plant breeding and breeding progress achieved in agriculture and horticulture. A breeder or discoverer of a new variety can apply for PBR for new varieties from the entire plant kingdom.

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