Registration for the 15th International Rapeseed Congress 2019 in Berlin is open
Berlin, 21st August 2018 - 45 years after an international rapeseed congress took place for the first time in Germany, the 15th International Rapeseed Congress (IRC) is scheduled for Berlin, the capital city of Germany, in 2019. Around 300 days prior to the event, online registration for the upcoming 15th IRC is now open at www.irc2019-berlin.com. As many as 900 international experts are expected to take part in this major congress.
The 15th IRC will take place from 16th to 19th June 2019 in the bcc Berlin Congress Centre, located at Alexanderplatz in the centre of Berlin. The Union for Promotion of Oil and Protein Plants [Union zur Förderung von Öl- und Proteinpflanzen (UFOP)] has taken responsibility for planning, organization and realization of the IRC 2019.
The IRC is the most important scientific and practice-oriented rapeseed congress, taking place every four years. Coordinated by the International Consultative Group for Research on Rapeseed (GCIRC), it is held alternatively in different regions of the world. Over nearly five decades the IRC has provided a forum for experts in science, breeding, agronomical practice, crop protection, animal and human nutrition as well as economics and politics.
Accordingly, the Berlin congress will also deal with the whole spectrum of rapeseed cultivation and use. Alongside plenary keynote lectures, parallel sessions and workshops will deal with special topics, including specific aspects of production technology (arable farming and plant cultivation, crop protection, agricultural engineering) and breeding. Topics related to the use of products include animal and human nutrition, biofuels and renewable raw materials, economics, the development of new markets and competition with other plants and products, as well as innovative applications for rapeseed products based on oil or meal (protein).
In addition to the congress programme, participants will also be invited to participate in sightseeing tours and post-congress excursions to research institutes and breeding stations throughout Germany. This will provide insights into German institutions and companies involved in rapeseed research and application.