Research offers new ideas for international oilseed rape cultivation
High level of participants and presentation registrations
Berlin, 26th April 2019 – The 15th International Rapeseed Congress (IRC) is the fist rapeseed congress to be held in Germany in 45 years. Over 800 scientists and represantatives from the agricultural sector will meet in Berlin from 16th to 19th June. The IRC is the most important international scientific congress on rapeseed. New developments in genetics, breeding, cultivation, plant protection, analysis and utilisation of rapeseed oil and animal feed will be presented and discussed in plenary lectures, thematic lecture sessions and working groups running over four days at the bcc Berlin Congress Center.
Launch of the "Call for Papers" for the 15th International Rapeseed Congress 2019 in Berlin
Berlin, 6th October 2018 – Scientists can now apply to present lectures and poster contributions at the International Rapeseed Conference (IRC) from 16th to 19th June 2019 in Berlin. The Call for Papers, with its submission deadline of 31st January 2019, marks the next milestone en route to the world's largest rapeseed research conference with a simultaneously scientific and practice-oriented approach. The local conference organizer, the Union for the Promotion of Oil and Protein Plants e. V. (UFOP), together with the International Advisory Group on Rapeseed Research (GCIRC), are expecting around 900 participants at bcc Berlin Congress Center.
Registration for the 15th International Rapeseed Congress 2019 in Berlin is open
Berlin, 20th August 2018 - 45 years after an international rapeseed congress took place for the first time in Germany, the 15th International Rapeseed Congress (IRC) is scheduled for Berlin, the capital city of Germany, in 2019. Around 300 days prior to the event, online registration for the upcoming 15th IRC is now open at www.irc2019-berlin.com. As many as 900 international experts are expected to take part in this major congress.