15th International Rapeseed Congress | Berlin


Union for the Promotion of Oil and Protein Plants

Sow ideas...

The Union for the Promotion of Oil and Protein Plants (UFOP) was founded in 1990 by the German Farmers’ Association (Deutscher Bauernverband e. V.) and the German Plant Breeders’ Association (Bundesverband Deutscher Pflanzenzüchter e. V.). With its unique association structure, UFOP works in national and international committees to represent the political interests of companies, associations and institutions involved in production, processing and marketing of domestic oil and protein plants.

Harvest success!

In contrast to almost all other agricultural organizations, UFOP has succeeded in combining cultivation, growing as well as market and agrarian politics into a single concept backed up by the entire agrarian economy.

UFOP’s activities have produced considerable results. Biodiesel from renewable feedstocks has for example been developed successfully as a flagship product. Comprehensive knowledge about rapeseed oil’s nutritional qualities has been compiled. Foodstuffs based on domestic oil and protein plants make an important contribution to domestic protein supply and are defended by a respected representative body: UFOP. Agricultural practice benefits from extensive practical information and variety test results.


  • UFOP’s work is divided into four important areas of responsibility:
  • Representing political interests in national and international committees
  • Optimizing agricultural production by promoting research and support for variety testing
  • Promoting projects to develop recycling options in the animal and human nutrition sectors and in the field of material and energy use
  • Public relations work to promote sales of all end-products of domestic oil and protein plants

Further information...

If you would like to find out more about UFOP’s activities or if you have questions about domestic oil and protein plants, please consult UFOP’s website: https://www.ufop.de/english/news

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