15th International Rapeseed Congress | Berlin


GCIRC – Groupe Consultatif International de Recherche sur le Colza – International Consultative Group of Research on Rapeseed

GCIRC is an international association of people interested in technical advances in rapeseed production and processing.

Its Constitution defines its aims as follows:

  • to develop scientific and technical research as well as studies and experiments concerning improvement of rapeseed and its processed products from agronomic, technological and food-related perspectives;
  • and to ensure close links between researchers

To fulfill its aims, GCIRC

  • contributes to coordination of technical studies carried out in various countries;
  • assumes responsibility for establishing the dates and locations of International Rapeseed Congresses dealing with rapeseed research every four years;
  • and convenes scientists from various fields and countries in a plenary session or specialized study committees held periodically between two congresses.

How is GCIRC organized?

The Association is made up of active and honorary members working on rapeseed.

Candidates may apply personally or be presented by an organization. In the latter case, membership fees of successful candidates shall be paid by the organization in question.

The annual membership fee is determined by the Board.

New rules for membership will be examined by the GCIRC General Assembly, on June 17th, 2019.


It is currently 120 euros per person.

Further information...

If you would like to find out more about GCIRC’s activities or if you wish to apply, please consult GCIRC’s website: www.gcirc.org or contact Etienne Pilorgé (GCIRC’s secretary-Treasurer): rcvybetr@greerfvabivn.se, or Laetitia Devedeux at y.qrirqrhk@greerfvabivn.se. You may also visit the GCIRC information desk during the Congress.

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